Please note, this blog is one continuous post. Please click "read more" when you get to the end of a page.
May 12, 2012
We had a baby shower for Elma & Jeremy with their San Antonio friends and family (and cats). At this time, we are all excitedly awaiting August 26-Sept 1, the predicted date of birth for Emily.
June 4, 2012
Elma & Jeremy are excited about getting the 4D ultrasound and have no idea that later that day they would be in the hospital and 24 hours later would have no need of an ultrasound
Monday morning in the Dr's office - still clueless
June 5, 2012
Elma developed severe pre-eclampsia, and was going into renal failure when she was taken in for a c-section, two and a half months before we thought she would become a mama.
Soon-to-be-Daddy, minutes before delivery - dressed to go into OR
At 4:00 p.m., Emily Isabel Roe was born, crying her way into the world. She weighed 1 pound, 14 ounces, and was 13.5 inches long.
Very first picture of Emily, taken at 4:45 PM
Happy Dad Jeremy and Grandy all scrubbed and gowned, ready to go in to NICU and visit Emily. Grandpa is taking the picture, but he's gowned, as well.
June 6, 2012
When we visited Emily on the morning of June 6, we happily stumbled across her doctor performing rounds. When he noticed us there, he converted from Doctor-speak to words we could understand. He said that Emily was in great condition, and was right where she should be at 28 weeks. He explained to us, as preemie newbies, that preemies are at the condition they would be in if they were still in the womb, and she is "beautiful" and "smart" in that she is doing everything she should be at 28 weeks.
You can get a feel for how tiny Emily is in this picture with the doctor's hand and the stethoscope.
Emily's beautiful mama the next morning after her birth.
Jeremy and Sandy, peaking in at this beautiful and miraculous gift from God.
Elma was finally able to get out of her hospital bed and visit her daughter. The UV lights had been turned on for Emily.
June 7, 2012
Later that day, the big ventilator was removed and Emily was breathing mostly on her own, but with the help of a cannula. Several other tubes were removed, as well.
June 8, 2012
Emily was taken off all ventilators and is breathing on her own. Her nurse reported to Daddy Jeremy that Emily does NOT like getting her diaper changed. She kicks, flails and screams every time they change her. Dad tried singing and talking to her to calm her, as did Abuelita, but the only thing that worked was a little preemie pacifier. They don't want to leave the pacifier in too long, as she can't breathe and suck at the same time, since this breathing on her own thing is new to her.
Dad took Emily's pillow (Baby Strawberry Shortcake) and the nurse wrapped it in saran wrap and put it at the foot of her isolette. He also sat and read to her from a collection of Little Golden Books we bought for her, The nurse commended Jeremy for doing so, as research shows that preemies that are read to learn to read earlier and do better in school later. Dad also was able to touch her again through the porthole, and reported that when he touched her hand, she grasped his finger. Mom Elma was not able to come to the hospital to visit her daughter, as she was battling effects from the surgery. Her blood pressure and leg swelling is still serious, but she is beginning to conquer the issues with medication and diuretics...and plenty of doctor prescribed bed rest.
June 9, 2012
Mom is hoping to be able to come visit this evening, and was told that she can hold Emily in a day or two.
Elma & Jeremy enjoyed an evening with Emily, where Emily grasped her daddy's finger.
Emily responded well to mom's voice as she read to her, and the parents report that she seemed to be in a good mood.
The umbilical IV had been removed that day, and the picc line inserted. This line will be used to take blood as needed, and administer medications as needed, as well.
June 10, 2012
The nurses have Emily sleeping on her stomach today - helps with the digestion of the milk she is getting. Not to sound like a bragging grandmother, but I wanted to share the story of today, when Jeremy asked one of the NICU nurses if it was normal for Emily to be breathing room air so soon. He was told no, it's not normal and that she was surprised at how quickly Emily got off all breathing assistance. That's our girl!
Emily at night. How peaceful.
June 11, 2012
Elma's doctor appointment this morning went well. The doctor is pleased with how much the blood pressure has dropped, but swelling is still the issue. Will return on Thursday to see if another round of diuretics is necessary. The swelling is down, but it's still got a ways to go.The doctor also shared with Elma and Jeremy just how severe her pre-eclampsia was. Normal protein levels are 300 in 24 hours, and Elma's was 14,000. How grateful we are that the doctor was able to catch this in time, and how grateful we are for all the prayers that have been sent up for Elma's and Emily's safe recovery.
Emily is back on the cannula - blood oxygen levels were dropping, but they say that's normal.
Yesterday, they tried feeding Emily mom's milk, but the stomach is still not developed enough yet. They have her on azythromycin, which in this case is not an antibiotic, but actually serves to jump start the digestive system, which they know is working, as she has had several poops. Awwww,
Emily had a "new" nurse this morning, or at least he was new to Emily and mom and dad. Jeremy says that he, the nurse, was so excited to meet Emily and to meet them and was just plain excited about life. He gave Jeremy and Elma a couple of "souvenirs" to take home, so they wouldn't be going home empty handed. He gave them a diaper (clean) and a pacifier. The picture below puts the size into perspective.
As they were preparing to leave the NICU for the morning, Jeremy was putting away the chairs, while Elma was talking to Emily, and Emily opened her little eyes. Just for a quick moment, but Mom got to see Emily's first time of opening her eyes. And how fitting, Emily, for your first sight in this big world to be your beautiful Mama!
June 12, 2012
Emily's 1 week birthday! Happy Birthday, little angel!
To help Emily breathe a little better, and to help her oxygen levels build up, she was put on a little preemie CPAP machine.
Look closely, and you'll see her peaking out. She doesn't open her eyes a whole lot, but it's becoming more frequent. Dad says she is waving at the camera.
June 13, 2012
Mom & Dad visit Emily this morning, and Emily is crying. Elma sings to her, and she stops crying. Elma stops singing, and Emily starts crying again. Elma sings to her again, Emily stops crying and mom and dad see her smile a little smile and then fall asleep.
June 14, 2012
Continuing to do better, Breathing well with the aid of the CPAP.
June 15, 2012
Emily is off the CPAP and back on the cannula. Mom & Dad were able to be at the hospital for morning rounds. The doctor was pleased that she was gaining weight (two pounds now). (Wish MY doctor were pleased that I was gaining weight!)
Beautiful blanket made and donated by the Winter Texans. Elma's little hand, with Emily's even smaller hand
June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day, Jeremy!Emily is now weighing 2 pounds, 2 ounces.
Emily is now tolerating mother's milk, and this afternoon was increased from 1 ml every six hours to 1 mil every 3 hours. Yay!
June 18, 2012
Emily is graduating to more milk. They are adding .5 mil every 12 hours. So this morning, she was on 1.5 mil every 3 hours, at noon she went to 2 mil every 3 hours, and at midnight, she'll be on 2.5 mil, and so on...........
June 19, 2012
Emily is two weeks old today!And she loves her pacifier!
Mom & Dad, wishing Emily a happy two-week birthday.
Emily's Baby Strawberry Shortcake blanket makes a perfect cover for her isolette.
Up to 2 pounds, 4 ounces
Dad reading "On The Night You Were Born" to Emily.
June 20, 2012
Happy 4 Year Anniversary, Mom & Dad!
Could anyone ask for a better Anniversary gift?
June 21, 2012
Women's Hospital, in Edinburg, Texas. Where Emily started her life with us and will be spending the next weeks. The NICU has the reputation of being one of the most advanced in the country, and has more advanced equipment and higher success rate than hospitals in Houston, Dallas, or even Harvard. Nothing but the best for our Emily!
Yesterday, they started feeding Emily mother's milk again, but this time on a very slow drip of milk in the stomach, and today they doubled that dose, and will increased again at midnight, but she had to go through diuretics the past two days to get rid of retained water that was there because her kidneys are still developing and were overwhelmed by the IV fluids.
June 22, 2012
Elma changing Emily's diaper for the first time, under the watchful eye of the charge nurse. Quite a challenge to do it through the portholes, with the gloves on, and with all the tiny wires and hoses trying to get in the way. But she did it successfully, and everyone was smiling at the end of the exercise.
June 23, 2012
Another banner day! Elma got to hold Emily, outside of the isolette!Emily was so peaceful, and breathing so well, the entire time Elma was holding her.

Grandy & Grandpa got to sit with Mom and Emily for a while, too.
The very first Jeremy Roe Family Portrait!
June 24, 2012
Elma got to hold Emily again today! Emily is up to 2 pounds, 5 ounces, and is being fed 3.4 ml per hour and will increase to 3.5 mil at midnight.Emily had her eyes open for at least fifteen minutes while Jeremy and Elma were there this evening. The nurse said that she (Emily) knows that they come at the same time each evening, and wakes up for them at that time. The nurse also said that it was obvious that Jeremy talked to Emily while she was in utero, because she follows his voice wherever he is.
June 25, 2012
Safe in daddy's arms.
June 27, 2012
Emily's nurse reported that she had a visitor today. Gov. Rick Perry visited the NICU, along with the hospital's Board of Regents. Governor Perry chose to stand right by Emily's isolette. He inquired into her birth weight, her progress, and seemed to be quite impressed with her care and progress.Emily is now up to 2 pounds, 8 ounces.
June 28, 2012
Emily is now being fed the most mother's milk that she can by tube per day. The doctors will soon begin adding extra calories to the milk, to help our little girl continue to grow.
June 29, 2012
Mom & Dad got a little scare when they came in to see me tonight. They went to the spot where I had always been...and someone else was there. The nurses had moved me to a different location...making room for new patients.July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July,
and Happy Birthday to my Mama!
Emily's weight on July 3 was 2 pounds, 8 ounces. She received a transfusion on that day, as she was anemic. Emily slept through the whole thing.
Jeremy reports that Emily was so excited to see them yesterday that she was so animated, she pulled her feeding tube out. He hates it when that happens, because it's not real comfortable for Emily to have to have it reinserted. But she's a trooper, and keeps on keepin' on.
Emily reports, "Dad got to change my diaper today. He did a great job, but in all his concentration on keeping the wires and tubes out of the way, and not hurting me, the finished job had my hand sealed inside the diaper. It's ok, dad, it didn't hurt anything. You'll do better next time...and there WILL be lots of next times."
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Mom & Dad's little firecracker! |
July 7, 2012
2 pounds, 14 ounces!
July 11, 2012
3 pounds, 2 ounces!
Go, Emily!!!!
July 12, 2012
July 15, 2012
Emily now weighs 3 pounds, 5 ounces! She is off all antibiotics, after having some sort of infection. Her next goal is to get off that canula and to start breathing room air.Mom & Grandy waiting to go into the NICU to see Emily. Dad and Grandpa are in there right now. |
Grandy and Grampa came to visit for the weekend.
July 18, 2012
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Tres Generaciones |
July 19, 2012
3 pounds, 10 ounces!
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Baby Emily is sticking her tongue out at us |
This is a video of my mom singing to me. Click the triangle, turn up your speakers, and enjoy the show. You'll see how much I love my mom's singing!
July 22, 2012
July 29, 2012
Weighing in at 3 pounds, 12 ounces
And learning how to drink from a bottle (suck) and breathe at the same time. This is fun stuff!
After all that - I need to burp.
Watch the video below, showing how well I'm catching on to this new task.
We only ended up with a little bit on me...and dad...and the floor. Most of it went in me, and it was good!
All that concentrating on breathing and drinking just wore me out! Think I'll take a nap on dad's shoulder.
July 31, 2012
I had a great nurse tonight. She made me a bow out of the preemie cap so I could look a little more presentable as I was napping in mom's nap. She told my parents that I would get fussy, but she would tell me stories in her native language (Phillipine) and I would calm down and pay attention. She says I like to socialize.
August 1, 2012
Notice anything different about me? Yep, they took the cannula out. I can breathe without it!!!
August 3, 2012
Happy 2 Month Birthday, Emily!
The Hospital Administrator asked Jeremy and Elma's permission to take Emily's picture to include in a marketing brochure for the NICU. They granted their permission, but showed her the pictures they had just taken, and she asked for them, too. Our little Emily can add model to her list of accomplishments!
August 4, 2012
My grandpa and grandy came to visit today, and grampa got to hold me!But first, dad held me for a while....
I REALLY like my pacifier!
And then, grampa got to hold me....
August 5, 2012
Mom's friends had a baby shower for me. Everybody says they all had fun at it. Here's a bunch of pictures from it. Wish I'd been there!One of mom's friends made this awesome Strawberry Shortcake diaper cake! How creative!!! |
The cake was delicious! |
Abuelito, Abuelita, Mom, and my Aunt Jaci |
My Great-Aunt Monica, Mom, Dad, Grandy and Grampa |
All of Mom's friends who hosted the shower |
My great-aunt Monica and dad painted my favorite color! Can't wait to get home and enjoy my new bed.
August 10, 2012
It's moving day! I'm in the elevator on my way up to Level II NICU! One more step closer to home! That's my mom standing close to me, making sure I don't get scared. Dad's taking pictures.August 15, 2012
Life in Level II NICU. Notice - no tubes, no incubator hood....making progress. Weight, 3 pounds, 11 ounces.
August 18, 2012
4 Pounds, 2 Ounces!!!
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One very happy baby |
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Emily and her Abuelita |
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I'm helping mom hold on to the bottle. |
August 19, 2012
Emily came home today, weighing in at 4 pounds, 4 ounces.
This is the last picture of Emily in the NICU. All dressed up and rarin' to GO!
Emily slept through her first car trip
Very happy and proud parents carrying Emily into the house for the first time.
Sleeping peacefully in her bed, in her pink room. Soon she'll be bigger than the Strawberry Shortcake doll in the corner of the bed.
August 22, 2012
Emily sleeping peacefully in her bassinet.
Dad and Emily spent Tuesday writing drill for dad's marching band. Looks like Emily is enjoying it.
Emily's Great-Aunt Monica gets to hold her for the first time.
Emily all dressed up and ready to go to her first party
Sometimes Emily prefers sleeping in her car seat.
Emily sportin' the preemie cap that her great-grandma's cousin Robin made for her and the blanket that her grandma made for her
Emily on her Tummy Time
September 9, 2012
September 14, 2012

Emily sent Grampa and Gramma off to Hawaii by wearing her Hawaiian diapers
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Emily's First Thanksgiving
Happy Baby!
Cousin bonding
6 months old, 13 pounds!
Who IS this guy?
Yep, Santa brought me a car!
September 2, 2012
Emily's Great-Aunt Monica gets to hold her for the first time.
Emily all dressed up and ready to go to her first party
Sometimes Emily prefers sleeping in her car seat.
Emily sportin' the preemie cap that her great-grandma's cousin Robin made for her and the blanket that her grandma made for her
Emily on her Tummy Time
Naptime for dad and Emily ... at least one of them is getting some sleep ;-)
September 4, 2012
Weighing in at 5 pounds, 4 ounces
September 8, 2012
September 9, 2012
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Emily's Abuelo |
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Cuatro Generaciones Hermosas |

Great - Uncle Kevin came all the way from northern Oklahoma to visit

September 30, 2012
October 23,2012
Emily weighs in at 9 pounds, 14 ounces

Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Emily's First Thanksgiving
Happy Baby!
Cousin bonding
6 months old, 13 pounds!
Who IS this guy?
Yep, Santa brought me a car!
Thanks mom, or should I say Grandy, for the awesome blog. :-) Proud Daddy J
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to share this beautiful baby and her journey with others. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. So thankful Emily and Elma are both doing so well. This blog will preserve wonderful memories and show Emily and her amazing progress.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear that she is gaining weight. She looks beautiful. I can't wait to meet her one day and tell her how many people have been praying for her.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this Sandy, and hi Elma, Jeremy (and Emily). I love to see the pictures and know what's happening. Can't wait to come visit in person. I love you all so much. My prayers are continuing. Hugs to all.
ReplyDelete-Emily's "Auntie Em"
Love her so much. It is such a blessing to watch this little angel as she develops. The first family photo brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait to meet her. Lots of love and support and prayers headed your way!
Cora and Brandon
She is beautiful! I love the videos of her. She is growing up and smiling and making us all smile. What a precious gift from God.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing Emily grow stronger with each post! She is a beautiful little angel and we can't wait to meet her! Sending love and prayers to everyone!
Josh, Laura, Erin & Madeline
So thankful she is home safe. She's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful day for all of you and your familes! We are thrilled that Miss Emily is home safe and sound. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sarah Sandoval. My dad, Luis Villarreal, works at PSJA North High School & told me about this beautiful baby girl. I am glad to see that she is at home with her Mommy & Daddy. Congratulations! She is sooooo cute! I pray that she continues to grow. By the way, what a great choice for her name! I also have a daughter named Emily :)